Self Development


Building the grit to find the belief in yourself

What would you sacrifice if you knew in the future you will have everything that your business and you personally need. Tim speaks about his accomplishments and how that has helped him gain the self image and mindset that he needs and wants as a leader. Discipline = Freedom


What Are you willing to do to meet the person you will become

Ian Graham ask Tim Penso about what it takes and what it took him to get to where he is today. Tim speaks about how he developed his mindset and the sacrifices he made to get to where he is today. Get ready for this one!


Who Are you becoming

Get ready to be fired up. Brian speaks with Brad Smith and his team about Who we are becoming and how hungry we each need to be to meet our new higher standards. Be sure to to do some work so you can think about how are you becoming free, so you can help someone else become free.