Goal Setting


Vision Casting

Looking to plan out your goals and the milestones you want to reach? Let Brian walk you through the steps to take and language to use as you are preparing your goals. Start with who your future self is, than the necessary resources it will take to get to those goals, and finally the actions you will be taking today to start towards reaching those goals.

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Worksheets that go along with this video:

The OODA Loop

(Observe, Orient, Decide, & Act)

Brian goes into The OODA Loop. The OODA Loop is a process to help take a step back and evaluate the situation as is and move through the process based on the information available.

Show Up At Your Best

Brian Delaney, Drew McClure, and Jordan Hunt speak about educating your emotions to make your decisions in any environment. This includes taking a step back from any situation, make a decision, and then receive feedback from the decision that you made at that time. Don't make decisions based on nervous energy or emotions.