First Phase -
The Keys to Success
Protecting the inevitable
Brian speaks about why The Delaney Agency and Symmetry Financial Group do what they do and how you play a part in what we do week to week.
Phone Training
Gino goes over his phone script to lock down the appointment and his zoom in appointment conversation and technique. Be sure to have your notebook out for this as this can help you bring your appointments and applications count up.
Virtual Appointments
In this video we present the key way to present a critical period coverage and the key market for when you would present it. Aaron Mclean & Devin Johnson goes through a live presentation with the help of Brian T. Delaney & Tori Lewis. Using the slides, how to do it, and most importantly, pulling out the why from the clients. This is one you will want to watch multiple times. Watch to the end as Aaron locks down the application to be sure the client is fully aware of the coverage that they applied for and which in turn will help keep the coverage in place.
Staying on Task in the Appointment
Gino Locklear goes through how he has been keeping appointments to just about an hour or just over an hour. When it does go beyond the hour what he says to let them know he is willing to reschedule but knows he is there to help every family. He knows the only family or person that matters is the individual who he is working with during the appointment and until he has done everything he is capable of doing for that person or family the next appointment will stay the next appointment and he will get to them as soon as he is able and concentrate on the next family just as much as he did like his previous appointment.
Suggested Videos to go along with this video training:
Gino Sales Presentation:
Drawing Out The Why:
Critical Period Concept
Ayres Newsom provides a clear thought process going into presenting critical period and getting the client to realize and say outloud that this will be the best route. By defining what critical period is, being able to understand who this is best for, and the thought process you should have when presenting, Ayres provides another tool to you the agent.